Saturday 24 October 2009

It's just gone too far

OK, my friends on Facebook are getting really bored of me posting about knitting, and Ravelry (while it's fantastic) has its limitations, so I'm going to start recording my obsession on a blog.

Here is the latest picture I posted on Facebook, it's all the Xmas decorations from Alan Dart's A
dvent Calendar, finally finished and ready to be sent off to London, where they will end up on a really lovely tree.

I started knitting 'properly' about a year ago, after being made
redundant. I'd knitted a bit as a child, but didn't have the patience for knitting even the smallest items of clothing (not even scarves and hats) and even now, the thought of knitting socks leaves me cold... but I found out I love to knit toys.... like REALLY love it, probably too much. I discovered Jean Greenhowe, and then Alan Dart, and now I am properly obsessed. I've started knitting without patterns too... when the Xmas colours got too much I made this Jack Skellington which is my proudest achievement to date!

I have a form of arthritis which affects my hands mostly, so the knitting could be seen as physiotherapy but really I just love producing toys. I'm hoping to post some of the toys I've made over the last year and show how I've improved, and also to publish some of my own patterns... but first I really have to get the hang of this blogging thing. It doesn't come easily to those of us who went to school when there was a class called 'computers' which had about 3 BBC Micro B computers and when everyone still thought that the future of computer use involved us all being programmers... still, I came to terms with Facebook so I'm sure I can manage this.

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